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B i o g r a p h y

Eli Korman is an Israeli composer and saxophone player, based in Kibbutz Netiv HaLamed Hey, Israel.


He completed his degrees in composition at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and the Musik Akademie Basel FHNW, studying under Professors Ari Ben Shabetai, Yinam Leef, Caspar Johannes Walter and Yair Klartag.

Eli participated in several master courses for composition such as CEME master course of Meitar Ensemble, the International Young Composers Academy in Ticino, the Workshop for Young Composers of Divertimento Ensemble, the Bludenzer Tage zeitgemäßer Musik and the Uuden Musiikin Lokakuu 2023 festival in Finland with professors such as Franck Bedrossian, Phillippe Leoux, Helmut Lachenman, Mauro Lanza, Samir Odeh-Tamimi, Unsuk Chin, Du Yun, Oscar Bianchi, Eva Reiter, Clara Iannotta, Mark Andre, Lucia Ronchetti,  Nadir Vassena and Carola Bauckholt.


Eli received the Jerusalem Institute of Contemporary Music scholarship (Siday Fellowship for Musical Creativity), the scholarship for musicians in Switzerland from the Stiftung Melinda Esterházy de Galantha, excellence scholarship from the ''America-Israel Cultural Foundation'', as well as an excellence scholarship from the Jerusalem Academy for Music and Dance.

Eli won the Eduard Brunner Kompositionpreis 2023 from the Musik Akademie Basel, the second prize in the Abraham and felicia Klon competition for young composers in Israel (2023), the second prize in the ''Israel Composers' League'' competition for young composers (2018), the Call for piano works by RMN (2020) the Call for Scores of Blank Ensemble (2021) and a Diploma for nonstandard thinking and originality of idea from the 3rd National Composer Competition from the Kazakh National University for Arts (2021).

His pieces are performed by Les Percussions de Strasbourg, Divertimento Ensemble, Quartetto Maurice, Meitar ensemble, Hai Kvartetti, Duo Alto, Tedarim ensemble and various players in Israel, Hungary, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Chile, North Macedonia, South Korea, Italy, Austria and Finland.

From September 2024, Eli is teaching composition, music theory, ear training and music history at the High-school of the Jerusalem Academy for Music and Dance.

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